OSID-INST Installation Kit OSID
The OSID Installation Kit (OSID-INST) is used in commissioning and maintaining the correct operation of the OSID Smoke Detector.
When the OSID system is installed over very large distances and in brightly lit areas, it may be difficult to see the output laser from the OSID Laser Alignment Tool when commissioning the system. To aid in the alignment of the Imager and Emitter, the Commissioning Aid (reflector) is provided. The reflector should be attached to the opposing unit that is not being aligned. For example, if the Emitter is being aligned, the reflector should be attached to the front cover of the Imager. Returning light to the user, off the reflector, from the laser alignment tool will be brighter and make it easier to determine if the unit being commissioned has been aligned correctly.
For to see how to use the Intallation Kit, please view the OSID Product Guide pages 35 - 38.
The kit includes:
- OSID Installation and Maintenance Manual
- OSID commissioning aid (reflector)
- Blu-Tack adhesive
- OSID smoke simulating test filter
- OSID cleaning cloth
- OSID serial PC interface cable
- OSID laser alignment tool, with three LR44 button cell batteries pre-installed
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Icon | Label | Description | Type | Size | Download |
Osid Smoke Detector Product Guide | Osid Smoke Detector Product Guide | 1.4 MB | Download |