Advanced conventional fire alarm & extinguishing panel using Bus technology.
■ Advanced conventional fire alarm & extinguishing panel using Bus technology.
■ 1 Extinguishing area with 8 zones
■ Up to a maximum of 8 keypads units.
■ LCD keypad unit for supervision, monitoring, operation and programming of the system.
■ Build-in DTMF communicator supports Ademco C.I.D. format.
■ Serial (RS232) connection for supervision, monitoring, operation and programming of the system through the
SmartView software and the RS-232/485 module (optional).
■ Remote supervision, monitoring, operation and programming of the system with TCP/IP connection and the
SmartView software (optional).
■ Intellizone and Cross-zone feature.
■ Walk Test feature.
■ Day / Night feature.
■ Certified to European directives ΕΝ 54-2:1997/Α1:2006/AC:1999, ΕΝ 54-4:1997/Α2:2006/AC:1999 & ΕΝ12094-
1:2003 (Extinguishing).
Color | Red |
Manufacturer | Hochiki |
Extinguishing zone | 1 |
Approvals | EN 12094-1, EN 54-2, En 54-4 |
Input | Monitored |
Outputs | Auxiliary |
Electrical Specifications | 24 Vdc |
Analog Protocol | No Protocol - Conventional |
Intrinsically Safe | No |
addressing | No |
Battery | 2x7Ah-12V |
Relay | No |
Marine Approved | No |
SIL Approved | No |
Icon | Label | Description | Type | Size | Download |
PH.PL.FXT.R8 manual | PH.PL.FXT.R8 manual | 446.7 KB | Download |